Anthony Blazevic’s work is a mixed media surrealistic visual display of bold...
Having always loved drawing and painting, it was in her teens when...
Bonnie Baillie has always been intrigued by how things are made. Embodying...
Carol Morrison’s interest in the natural world around her, which led to...
Originally from Dartmouth Nova Scotia, Christine Sonntag now lives in Tatamagouche for...
Colleen Underwood from Halifax started her creative life in her early twenties...
Dan started painting in the early 1980’s but work, family and other...
Originally from Newfoundland, Denise Soper, a member of Art 1274 Hollis since...
Denise Philomena Uebele, a studied fashion designer with strong connections to interior...
Gail Heinze, native to Nova Scotia, is an award-winning fibre artist...
Gillian is a Canadian artist known for her captivating abstract/realism style in...
Heather Crout’s work is defined by her love of line, but always...
Hélène Martin has been working with her hands since the age of 12....
Needlework and jewelry making have been Jean’s passion for many years inspired...
Joining shortly after the founding of Art 1274 Hollis, she wanted to...
Naomi, originally from Quebec, took her first pottery class in 2003 at...
Lori, the Fused Glass Diva, originally from Newfoundland but moving around for...
Nora Gross, who works with watercolours, finds her inspiration from light and...
Oscar Koller, originally from Budapest, Hungary, came to Canada in 1981. His...
Wendy Bissett-Beaver uses acrylic and texture mediums to create bright and cheery...